.....................World's most Spectacular Waffle Breakfast!.............
Brake Fast!
Page Under Construction: The Event highlights two hallmarks of Flanders, Cycling and Waffles. Calidocious Inc. proposes combining both into a transcendant dining experience on Mt. Tamalpais overlooking San Francisco.
Mt. Tamalpais circa 1900
Trail Head at the Peak of Mt. Tamalpais
As a bonus for guests at the 'Little Calidocious®" Guest House, Calidocious® Inc. offers bicycle tours from the top of the old tourist railway on Mt. Tam to the West Point Inn, www.westpointinn.com.
The inn sponsors monthly Pancake Brunches from the Spring to Fall. Following a waffle (or optionally pancake) breakfast on the deck overlooking San Francisco Bay, guests continue coasting down the remainder of the 'Worlds Crookedest Railway' grade.
Trail Circa 1910
Arrival at West Point Inn
Transcendental Dining Experience- West Point Inn
Arrival at the Parking Lot
Mural in Fairfax at the Base of Mt. Tamalpais- Home of Californian Mountain Biking
Bike "sculpture" at the entrance to the Marin Bicycle Museum in Fairfax
Final stop at the 'Bicycle Pub'- the Gestalt Haus in Fairfax